Friday, June 28, 2013

How to export/import integration(s) from/to Integration Manager?

To export integration(s) from Integration Manager, please follow the below steps.

  1. Open Integration Manager.
  2. Click on Tools >> Create Database.
  3. Click on Folder Dialog button.
  4. Select the location where you want to create the database.
  5. Give a file name and click on Save.
  6. Click on File >> Export Integrations.
  7. Select the integration which you would like to export.
  8. Click on Export.
  9. Select the file which you created in Step 5.
  10. Click on Open.
To import, please follow the below steps.
  1. Open Integration Manager.
  2. Click on File >> Import Integrations.
  3. Select the .imd file which is exported from Integration Manager.
  4. Click on Open.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Shortcut Key to open Dynamics GP

To setup a shortcut key to open Dynamics GP, follow the below steps

  1. Right click on Dynamics GP icon (which is available either on Windows desktop or in Start menu).
  2. Select properties.
  3. Click on Shortcut key.
  4. Press the key combination (for eg. CTRL + ALT + G) which will be used to open Dynamics GP.
  5. Click on OK.

How to disable/enable Analytical Accounting?

To disable Analytical Accounting, follow the below steps

  1. Open Customisation Status from Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Customise >> Customisation Status.
  2. Select Analytical Accounting.
  3. Click on Disable if it is enabled or vice versa.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Shortcut Keys for Dynamics GP

To display lookup window

Will execute the default button in GP Window. Most of the GP windows are having SAVE button as default button. Hence, hitting an ENTER button will save the record (which is same as clicking on SAVE button)

ALT + F11
To open Visual Basic Editor

CTRL + F11
To add current window to Visual Basic

To add fields to Visual Basic

ALT + F9
To open Report Writer

To modify current report

To select all text in a field.

To copy the selected text.

To cut the selected text.

To paste the copied text.

ALT + F4
To close a window.

To print an Edit List.

Error: VBA6.dll not found

I had a situation at my customer place wherein Office 2010 is installed and after uploading VBA customization for Dynamics GP, we were receiving the error 'VBA6.dll not found'. There are two solutions for this.

Solution I

  1. Unistall Office 2010
  2. Take a complete GP customization backup.
  3. Uninstall GP
  4. Install GP
  5. Import the customization package which is backed up in Step 2.
  6. Install Office 2010
Solution II

  1. Take a complete registry backup.
  2. Install VBA 6.4 Core Components. You can download this from
  3. Open GP.
  4. Take a complete GP Customization backup. Please note that you should not include any References while taking this backup.
  5. Close GP.
  6. Open the folder where GP is installed. By default, it will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2010 for 64-bit and C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2010 for 32-bit machines.
  7. Delete all .vba files which are of 4KB size. You can even move them to another folder.
  8. Rename all .vba files which are of above 4KB size.
  9. Open GP.
  10. Import the customization package which is backed up in Step 4.
  11. Add References using Visual Basic Editor if needed.
  12. Close & Open GP.