Monday, November 4, 2013

How to setup a user in Business Portal

Recently, after upgrading Business Portal to 6.0, a user complained that he is getting Access Denied error while trying to access Business Portal. When I did the Google research, I realised that the domain users were not a part of BP Internal User group.

Below are the steps for setting up a user in Business Portal.
  • Set up the user in the SharePoint group. To do this, follow these steps:
    • Log on to Business Portal as an administrator.
    • On the Business Portal home page, click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings.
    • Under Users and Permissions, click People and Groups.
    • Verify that the user is added to the BP Internal User group and the BP Requisition group.
  • Set up the user in the Business Portal site. To do this, follow these steps:
    • Log on to Business Portal as an administrator.
    • On the Business Portal home page, click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings.
    • Under Business Portal Administration, click Users.
    • In the User list, click your user name.
    • Click the Roles tab.
    • Verify that the user is assigned the User role and the Requisition role.
  • Set up the user in Requisition Management. To do this, follow these steps:
    • Log on to Business Portal as an administrator.
    • On the Business Portal home page, click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings.
    • Under Requisition Management, click Users.
    • In the User list, click your user name.
    • Click Modify.
    • Make the changes that you want, and then click Save.


Friday, November 1, 2013

How to setup company logo in Business Portal

As I am very much new to Business Portal at this time, I have no idea where to setup the company logo in Business Portal. Hence I raised my hands in Dynamics Community asking for help. After sometime, I got a reply guiding how to set it up. I will note down those steps below for future reference.

  • Put the gif file in the same folder as the logo.gif (By default, it is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\Business Portal\Portal\Images)
  • On the Business Portal Home Page, go to Site Actions > Site Settings > Title, Description, and Icon (under Look and Feel).
  • Change the Logo.gif to be the image file and click OK. Be sure the URL uses the following path: /Business Portal/Portal/Images/
  • Click the browser’s Refresh button to display the new company logo.
  • If your company’s logo does not appear, you may need to delete your temporary Internet files. To do so, choose Tools > Internet Options from your browser’s menu bar. The Internet Options window appears. Click Delete Files. Click OK, then click the browser’s Refresh button again 
Logo recommendation
  • File format: The logo file must be a .gif, .bmp, .jpg, or .png file.
  • Size: The height of your company’s logo must not be more than 50 pixels. The width can vary, but be sure that the logo doesn’t overlap with the company name that appears in the top-right corner of Business Portal.
  • Transparency: Recommended to configure the logo so that its background color is transparent.

How to resolve 'File Not Found' error while trying to open Site Settings for Business Portal

I was trying to setup the company logo for the Business Portal this morning. When I tried opening 'Site Settings' I was getting 'File Not Found' error. After doing a google research (as always), I realised that this is something to do with 'Alternate Access Mappings' in SharePoint Central Administration for SharePoint Foundation 2010.

By default, SharePoint Foundation 2010 creates Alternate Access Mappings based on the workstation name. I was trying to open the Site Settings using the URL http://localhost. There was no Alternate Access Mappings configured for http://localhost. After setting it up, hurrayyyy, it started working.

Please see below the steps to setup the Alternate Access Mappings for SharePoint Foundation 2010.
  • Open Start >> All Programs >> Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products >> SharePoint 2010 Central Administration
  • Click on Application Management
  • Click on 'Configure alternate access mappings' under 'Web Applications'
  • Make sure you have selected the right Web Application for 'Alternate Access Mapping Collection'
  • Click on 'Add Internal URLs'
  • Enter the URL. In my case, I typed http://localhost
  • Click on OK
That is it. Now it should work!!


Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to move and upgrade Business Portal & GP to Business Portal 6.0 and GP 2013

I came across with a situation wherein the customer is using Business Portal 4.0 and GP 10.0 and they would like to upgrade to GP 2013 along with Business Portal 6.0.  In addition, the customer would also like to move these applications to new servers.

Below is the setup of current Business Portal & GP Environment

  • Operating System -> Windows Server 2003 R2
  • Sharepoint -> Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 SP1
  • SQL Server 2008
  • GP 10.0 with SP2
  • Business Portal 4.0
Below is the setup for the new server environment
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit
  • SQL Server 2012
Please see below the steps which I followed to complete these tasks

Moving and upgrading GP
  • Based on Microsoft Article 878449, I moved all GP System and Company databases to a temporary server where SQL Server 2008 is installed. The above GP version does not support SQL Server 2012.
  • Make sure to visit 'Upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013' in partnersource to review the upgrade paths
  • Upgraded GP10 to SP5.
  • Ran GP Utilities to update the modified forms/reports.
  • Upgraded to GP2010 SP3 (This step is optional. This was used to test the hanging issues while upgrading directly to GP2013). Ran GP utilities to update the modified forms/reports and imported GP customization using 'Customization Maintenance' screen.
    • GP2013 Utilities was hanging while upgrading Fixed Asset Tables and Data. This was due to the high volume of data (the customer got millions of records). 
  • Upgraded to GP2013 SP2. Ran GP utilities to update the modified forms/reports and imported GP customization using 'Customization Maintenance' screen.
  • Moved System and Company databases to the new server where SQL Server 2012 is installed. This is again done based on the Microsoft Article 878449.

Moving and upgrading Business Portal
  • Take a backup of the content database from the old server.
  • Login as a user who has got local admin rights on the WebServer where Sharepoint and Business Portal is going to be installed. I will be using bpadmin as the user.
  • Make sure bpadmin is member of IIS_IUSRS role in the webserver.
  • Also set bpadmin as sysadmin in SQL SERVER.
  • Install IIS by opening Server Manager and add a new feature. Make sure all features related to ASP is selected and setup.
  • Install Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 with SP2 for 64-bit on the new server. I would be using the temporary server as Database server where SQL Server 2008 is installed.
    • Accept the agreement and Click on Continue.
    • Click on Advanced
    • Select 'Web Frond End' and Click on 'Install Now'.
    • After installation, make sure to select to run the Sharepoint Configuration Wizard.
    • Click Yes if prompted to start the services.
    • Select 'No, I want to create a new server farm' and click on Next.
    • Enter the Database Server (temporary one), Username and password
    • Select NTLM and Click on Next.
    • Verify the settings and Click on Next.
    • Click on Finish once cofigured automatically. This will open Sharepoint Central Administration automatically.
    • Click on Application Management tab
    • Click on 'Create or extend Web application' under 'SharePoint Web Application Management'.
    • Click on 'Create a new Web application'.
    • Select 'Use an existing IIS website' if available. Otherwise, create a website with port as 80. (Note: It is not mandatory that the port has to be 80. If it is not 80, just make a note of it)
    • Under 'Application Pool' section, give bpadmin as username and the password.
    • Click on OK.
    • Web Application will be created now and you will get an option to create site collection.
    • Click on 'Create Site Collection'.
    • Give a title 'eReq'.
    • Give bpadmin as 'Primary Site Collection Administrator'.
    • Click on OK.
    • For testing, you can browse http://localhost/
    • Under 'Application Management' >> 'SharePoint Web Application Management', click on 'Content databases'
    • Click on WSS_Content database.
    • Select 'Remove content database' checkbox and click on OK.
    • Restore the backup of the content database which was taken from old server, to the temporary server where SQL Server 2008 is installed.
    • Click on 'Add a content database'
    • Enter the Database Server and Database Name
    • In the 'Number of sites before a warning event is generated', type 9000
    • In the 'Maximum number of sites that can be created in this database', type 15000.
    • Click on OK.
    • For testing, you can browse http://localhost/ and check Business Portal is showing as a tab in the website.
  • Now the content database has been upgraded to be compatible with WSS 3.0 SP2
  • Take a backup of the content database.
  • Uninstall WSS 3.0 SP2 from the webserver.
  • Restart the webserver if possible.
  • Install Sharepoint Foundation 2010 and I will using the new database server where SQL Server 2012 is installed.
    • Right click on the setup and click on 'Run as administrator'.
    • Install software prerequisites.
    • After installing prerequisites, click on 'Install SharePoint Foundation'.
    • Accept the agreement and click on Continue.
    • Click on 'Server Farm'.
    • Select 'Complete' and click on 'Install Now'.
    • Once installed, select 'Run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard now' and click on Close
    • Click Next
    • Click on Yes, if prompted to start the services.
    • Select ' Create a new server farm' and click on Next.
    • Enter the Database Server, Username and Password  and click on Next.
    • Enter Passphrase and Confirm passphrase and click on Next.
    • Select NTLM and click on Next
    • Verify the settings and click on Next.
    • Click on Finish
    • Once configured automatically, this will open Sharepoint Central Administration automatically.
    • Click on 'Start the Wizard'.
    • Select 'Use existing managed account'. and click on Next. 
    • This will create a default Web Application and prompt to create a Site Collection for that Web Application.
    • Click on Skip.
    • Click on Application Management tab
    • Click on 'Create Site Collections'.
    • Give a title 'eReq'.
    • Give bpadmin as 'Primary Site Collection Administrator'.
    • Click on OK.
    • For testing, you can browse http://localhost/
    • Under 'Application Management',  click on 'Manage Content databases'
    • Click on WSS_Content database.
    • Select 'Remove content database' checkbox and click on OK.
    • Restore the backup of the content database which was upgraded using WSS 3.0 SP2 to the new server where SQL Server 2012 is installed.
    • Click on 'Add a content database'
    • Enter the Database Server and Database Name
    • In the 'Number of sites before a warning event is generated', type 9000
    • In the 'Maximum number of sites that can be created in this database', type 15000.
    • Click on OK. If you are getting, follow the below steps,otherwise skip
      • Right Click on  Start >> Al Programs >> Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products >> SharePoint 2010 Management Shell  and select 'Run as administrator'
      • Type the command Mount-SPContentDatabase -Name "WSS_Content_eReq" -DatabaseServer "DBSRVNM" -WebApplication http://localhost/ .  This will upgrade the content database to be compatible with SharePoint Foundation 2010
      • Ignore the error as we will install Business Portal
    • For testing, you can browse http://localhost/ and check Business Portal is showing as a tab in the website.
    • Delete the BusinessPortalUser user from DYNAMICS & Company databases
    • Install Web Services Runtime for GP2013
    • Install Business Portal on the webserver.

How to setup Business Portal 4.0 for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

Reference Sites

  • Install & Setup GP 10.0. Make sure you have given the registration keys.
  • Install Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0. To install WSS, follow the below steps
    • Install the Application Server (IIS) role on Windows Server 2003 system.
    • Install the Mail server (POP3, SMTP) role on the server.
    • Download and install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0. Make sure to download the version (32-bit or 64-bit) that matches the operating system.
    • Verify that ASP.NET v2.0.50727 is allowed by opening the Internet Services Manager, choosing Web Services Extensions, choosing ASP .NET v2.0.50727, and clicking the Allow button.
      • If you are not able to find ASP.NET v2.0.50727 under Web Services Extensions, follow the below steps
        • Open DOS Prompt
        • Change to following directory
          • C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727> or C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727> for 64 bit
        • Type aspnet_regiis.exe -i and press enter. This will install and register ASP v2.0.50727
    • Execute the downloaded file named SharePoint.exe.
    • When asked, choose Advanced installation. 
    • Select Web-Front End. This option will give you setup the Database Server and Database on your own.
    •  Click 'Install now'
    • The Windows SharePoint Services configuration wizard will run.
    • Once WSS is installed, install Business Portal 4.0

Friday, July 5, 2013

FRX - To change the path of SYSDATA folder outside FRx

Today I learned a new lesson about FRx.

If you want to change the path of the SYSDATA folder, you should not only change in FRX32.CFG file (which is available in the installation folder of FRx), but also you should change it in FRxConfig.xml (which is available in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\FRx Software\FRx 6.7)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fixed Asset Disposal in Quantity

One new thing which I learned about GP today is that it is possible to dispose an asset in Quantity too. So, while retiring an asset, you can key in the quantity (instead of value or percentage) for retirement. System will automatically calculate the percentage.

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to setup integration using Integration Manager for integrating Journal Entries with Analytical Accounting Codes?

This solution is based on the following link.

The below solution is with a minor modification to the above one i.e., for a Reversal Journal Entry.

(Please note that you need to install 'eConnect Destination Adapters' feature for Integration Manager for this solution. This can be installed using the Installation Setup of Integration Manager.)

To setup integration using Integration Manager for integrating Journal Entries with Analytical Accounting Codes, follow the below steps.
  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Prepare the excel sheet with the following columns.
  3. Populate data to the above columns.
  4. Save the excel sheet as AA GL Trx.xlsx
  5. Save the excel sheet as Text (Tab Delimited) with the file name as AA GL Trx.txt
  6. Close the excel sheet.
  7. Open another excel.
  8. Prepare the excel with the following columns.
  9. Populate data to the above columns.
  10. Save the excel sheet as AA GL Trx with Dim.xlsx
  11. Save the excel sheet as Text (Tab Delimited) with the file name as AA GL Trx with Dim.txt
  12. Open Integration Manager.
  13. Click on New Integration.
  14. Give 'Integration Name' as GL Transaction - AA.
  15. Click on OK.
  16. Click on Add Source.
  17. Select Text under the folder 'ODBC/Text'.
  18. Select on 'Define New Text' and click on Open.
  19. Give Name as 'GL Header'.
  20. Select the file AA GL Trx.txt 
  21. Select Tab under Delimiter Section.
  22. Select 'First Row Contains Column Names' checkbox.
  23. Click on Sorting Tab.
  24. Select the columns such as Batch ID, JournalNum, TrxDate, RevDate, TrxTyp and Reference under 'Group By' section.
  25. Click on OK.
  26. A warning will be displayed, Click on OK.
  27. Click on Add Source.
  28. Select Text under the folder 'ODBC/Text'.
  29. Select on 'Define New Text' and click on Open.
  30. Give Name as 'GL Distributions'.
  31. Select the file AA GL Trx.txt 
  32. Select Tab under Delimiter Section.
  33. Select 'First Row Contains Column Names' checkbox.
  34. Click on OK.
  35. A warning will be displayed, Click on OK.
  36. Click on Add Source.
  37. Select Text under the folder 'ODBC/Text'.
  38. Select on 'Define New Text' and click on Open.
  39. Give Name as 'GL AA Dimension'.
  40. Select the file AA GL Trx with Dim.txt 
  41. Select Tab under Delimiter Section.
  42. Select 'First Row Contains Column Names' checkbox.
  43. Click on OK.
  44. Click on Add Source.
  45. Select Text under the folder 'ODBC/Text'.
  46. Select on 'Define New Text' and click on Open.
  47. Give Name as 'GL AA Dimension Code'.
  48. Select the file AA GL Trx with Dim.txt 
  49. Select Tab under Delimiter Section.
  50. Select 'First Row Contains Column Names' checkbox.
  51. Click on OK.
  52. Double Click on 'Query Relationships'.
  53. Set the relationship as follows.
  54. Click on 'Add Dest.'
  55. Open 'Microsoft Dynamics GP eConnect' folder by clicking on + sign next to the folder.
  56. Click on Financial Folder.
  57. Select 'GL Transaction'.
  58. Click on Open.
  59. Double click on 'Destination Settings'
  60. Give the database server name for 'Server Name'.
  61. Give the company database name for 'Company Database'.
  62. Click on Close.
  63. Double click on 'Destination Mapping' (or Click on Mapping button in the toolbar).
  64. Click on 'GL Transaction' folder on the top left hand side.
  65. Set the mappings as shown below.
  66. Click on 'Entries' folder.
  67. Set the mappings as shown below.
  68. Click on 'Analytics' folder.
  69. Set the mappings as shown below.
  70. Click on 'Dimensions' folder.
  71. Set the mappning as shown below.
  72. Click on Save button to save the integration.
  73. Click on Run to run the integration.
Note : Unlike normal integration, this integration will run for the company which is setup in the 'Destination Settings' i.e., you would not need to login to any GP companies to run this integration.

Friday, June 28, 2013

How to export/import integration(s) from/to Integration Manager?

To export integration(s) from Integration Manager, please follow the below steps.

  1. Open Integration Manager.
  2. Click on Tools >> Create Database.
  3. Click on Folder Dialog button.
  4. Select the location where you want to create the database.
  5. Give a file name and click on Save.
  6. Click on File >> Export Integrations.
  7. Select the integration which you would like to export.
  8. Click on Export.
  9. Select the file which you created in Step 5.
  10. Click on Open.
To import, please follow the below steps.
  1. Open Integration Manager.
  2. Click on File >> Import Integrations.
  3. Select the .imd file which is exported from Integration Manager.
  4. Click on Open.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Shortcut Key to open Dynamics GP

To setup a shortcut key to open Dynamics GP, follow the below steps

  1. Right click on Dynamics GP icon (which is available either on Windows desktop or in Start menu).
  2. Select properties.
  3. Click on Shortcut key.
  4. Press the key combination (for eg. CTRL + ALT + G) which will be used to open Dynamics GP.
  5. Click on OK.

How to disable/enable Analytical Accounting?

To disable Analytical Accounting, follow the below steps

  1. Open Customisation Status from Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Customise >> Customisation Status.
  2. Select Analytical Accounting.
  3. Click on Disable if it is enabled or vice versa.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Shortcut Keys for Dynamics GP

To display lookup window

Will execute the default button in GP Window. Most of the GP windows are having SAVE button as default button. Hence, hitting an ENTER button will save the record (which is same as clicking on SAVE button)

ALT + F11
To open Visual Basic Editor

CTRL + F11
To add current window to Visual Basic

To add fields to Visual Basic

ALT + F9
To open Report Writer

To modify current report

To select all text in a field.

To copy the selected text.

To cut the selected text.

To paste the copied text.

ALT + F4
To close a window.

To print an Edit List.

Error: VBA6.dll not found

I had a situation at my customer place wherein Office 2010 is installed and after uploading VBA customization for Dynamics GP, we were receiving the error 'VBA6.dll not found'. There are two solutions for this.

Solution I

  1. Unistall Office 2010
  2. Take a complete GP customization backup.
  3. Uninstall GP
  4. Install GP
  5. Import the customization package which is backed up in Step 2.
  6. Install Office 2010
Solution II

  1. Take a complete registry backup.
  2. Install VBA 6.4 Core Components. You can download this from
  3. Open GP.
  4. Take a complete GP Customization backup. Please note that you should not include any References while taking this backup.
  5. Close GP.
  6. Open the folder where GP is installed. By default, it will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2010 for 64-bit and C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2010 for 32-bit machines.
  7. Delete all .vba files which are of 4KB size. You can even move them to another folder.
  8. Rename all .vba files which are of above 4KB size.
  9. Open GP.
  10. Import the customization package which is backed up in Step 4.
  11. Add References using Visual Basic Editor if needed.
  12. Close & Open GP.